Friday, September 21, 2012


Assalamualaika ya Rasulullah , I'm one of your beloved ummati ~ I feel so FORTUNATE to be born after your exisxtence. as you have mentioned to all of your sahabah , that , there are a group of people who got the WEIRDEST type of iman. " the ONES who live after I died. kerana mereka itu mampu beriman kepadaku , walau tidak pernah berjumpa dengan ku. '' ya rasul salam alayka.

thanks to the Almighty ALLAH swt , He has given me the chance to be a part of your ummah. HE love us because YOU love us , the UMMATI , who you love more than yourself. all along I've been thinking ,,, why does the sadness surrounded me whenever I heard your stories . your sacrifice & your LOVE towards us , but , after a while , the feeling won't exist anymore. why ?? YES !!! this is because I'm that kind of ummah , who is the WEAKEST out of all ummah. keep on making mistakes . keep on going the wrong way , keep on rebelling ALLAH , keep on forgetting you , ya Muhammad S.A.W . I'm so sorry ya Rasullullah. ya Habiballah , please accept my apology. after you passed away , to be honest , our world now has been so miserable. we were making sins again and again. not that we didn't realise. but , we were too WEAK to realise. please. send our sincere prayers and requests to ALLAH swt ya rasul , tell HIM to never ever stop protecting us , your beloved ummati. ask HIM to continue leading us in a CORRECT pathway , the way to reach HIS blessings duniya' wal akhirat. wahai kekasih ALLAH , ya Muhammad S.A.W we are feeling sad for not being able to see your shining bright face , us , your ummati are not even have the chance to meet and greet you. w from the deepest of my heart , I'll pray to ALLAH swt to give me the strength to protect your image , to make you as my role model , to follow your Sunnah. I wish that I'm able to be as strong as you , I'll be able to revive dakwah' and ISLAM along with all my ikhwans , insyaallah , we will try our very best to make you proud of us ya Rasulullah. we really miss you Rasullullah. may we'll be able to receive your syafaat in the Day of Resurrection . I pray that each and everyone of us , your ummati , we'll be meeting you at the well and be able to drink the drinks served by you , my love , ya Muhammad S.A.W ~ and we'll be crossing the Sirat smoothly and being judge in front of ALLAH swt , with all the kindness and good deeds that we have done during our life time. I'll be loving you . I'll keep this love continously , growing and fond day by day , just for you , the lover of allah. I'm going to LOVE you as much as you LOVE me, insyaallah. more than the LOVE for my beloved people here in duniya. thank you for giving us , your Ummati such a GREAT love ya Habiballah. till we meet again . till the day comes , I'll do my best to seek for ALLLAH's blessings so that I will bring happiness and bright smile to greet you then , ya Muhammad. :) thank you for loving me. thank you for loving us , your ummati , people of the end times.
I'm looking forward to see you ya Muhammad. ya Nabi salamu alayka. ya Rasul salamu alayka' Allahuma solli ala muhammad , wa ala ali muhammad. your lover , your ummati ; Nurfazlyna Aneem Binti Salman

Friday, May 11, 2012

assalamualaikum bloggers ! ^^ ( bismillahirahmirahim.. ) fuhhh ! bole than lama juak nda update ni blog . :p hoho. tahu laa. aq nda suka laa tulis bnyak2 , luahkan isi hati mcm dlm diari. HAHA! sngattt lecehhh. -____-' nahh. it's more to TROUBLESOME ! xD today I would like to share my thoughts about the GUY ! yeaaa. that GUY ! :D who is he? ( well. no candidate for NOW ) believe it or not ; my life is still single from the day I was born. ^^ (wink. ) the record of aneem : being single for 18years.. :) clap ! clap! tipu laa klu ckp aq nda pena t'jerumus dlm cinta monyet kann? yaa. penah. selalu masa aq masi muda2 dlu. (mcm tua btul suda. ) hihihi. tp lpas aq makin dewasa , makin matang , aq rasa mcm pelik jugak knpa bule suka dgn org itu , org ini dan lain2 ! ## my TARGET now :

I want a future IMAM . not just a GUY . <3 kyahhh. you know what ? aq nii pon pompuan besa. hawa nafsu kdng2 nda dpt control. T__T tp.. insyaallah ~ aq cuba kurang kan . hee~ want to know my list of ideal guys. check it out : 1. BERIMAN mcm ustaz azzam - mst kamu tau , klu kamu pena bca novel or nntn filem KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH ni dia >
watak nya sngat sempurna. org nya beriman . sabar , bertanggungjawab , penyayang , dan yg plin penting: taat kpd ALLAH & Rasul . ^^ subhanallah. if i could have a life-partner like him , ^^ 2. BERKETERAMPILAN mcm buah hati ku ni , arghhh~ p' nichkhun !
he's cute,charming, good looking at the SAME time. * his character seems to be so gentleman and he cares about his sisters a lot ! perfect future hubby ! gagaaggaahahaa. :DD 3. BERKERJAYA bukan laa mst dktor , engineer atau apa , tp yg penting ada wwsan hidup !!! kann girls? : ni cntoh terbaekkk ; (fiktif semata ) dr. RADO SAVERO .. ^^ <3
bingo ! wtak dude harlino dlm sinetron intan. :) masa aq fom2 , aq jatuh hati dgn rado. hensem-baik-sweet ( wkupun ego + garang ) tp dlm hati lembut. dktor lagi ! woowww ! FANTASTIC BABY. <3 *_____* pnjang kaann entry aq? thank you for your willingness to read this super silly entry. hey ! I need your dua'~ * semoga aq dipertemukan dgn jodoh yg sebaik-baik ciptaan-nya. aminn ya rabb ! ^_____^ someday , if god wills ,I will me him ! the right guy for me. insyaallah ~

Friday, January 27, 2012

ANEEM is officially 18 ! ^_^

: saengil cukhahamnida, happy birthday, selamat ulang tahun !! : ;)
i turned 18 on the 18th ~
i feel blessed on my bday, there's no BIG presents or celebrate with GRAND party,
but all those sweet .short wishes given by my family members & friends were the BEST blessings for me , ^^

my bday wish: * may ALLAH gives me another opportunity to hear birthday wishes
( again ) ~ amiiinnnnn,,
am I going to meet my TRUE LOVE this year? I'm getting mature , you know.. :D
may ALLAH protect me & my family,, always~.. <3


Saturday, December 24, 2011

SAD. FRUSTRATED but FUNNY incident !! -_____-

hmmm, one question : and you are NOT allowed to lie for the sake of comforting me ! xD


am i look OLD ?? T_____T
stiap kali jln ma ibu, org tnya : '' adik mu ka nii? '' -____- lau nda pon '' kwan mu kaa ni? ;;
sedihhhhhh glaaa, i was like [ FREEZE ] for a moment ~ but, at the same time, HAPPY for ibu.. ^^
mksud nya, ibu q nmpk muda ~ ( BANGGA laa aq ) xD
ini gmbar aq ma ibu:

klu jln ma ayah, org tnya ; '' BINI mu ? ''
waisehhh, panasssss tlinga q ! X___X
geram . haah !
persoalan nya: ADAKAH ANEEM NAMPAK TUA? =[

( no bashing or harsh comments kay ?) :)

currently listen to this song while writing this post:
- we were in love : DAVICHI & T-ARA ~

lagu nii BEST ! i've never FELL in LOVE before, but i could feel their sad emotion,

Friday, December 23, 2011

IU ! Lee Ji Eun !

this GIRL is just awesomeeeee ! AMAZINGLY awesome !
aq nda pena mnat ma '' girl ; '' smpai bgni addicted ok, haha~ (well! i'm not a lesbian, still interested in GUY ! '' ) ^^
tp, IU ni.. hmm,
[ angelic face ] . [angelic voice]. = her !

kdng2, aq mau cekik jk org yg ktuk , or ANTI ma IU ! xD (lol)
why? bcuz she don't deserved to be HUMILIATED , dia nii mcm god-gifted bhaa, BEST SINGER-SONGWRITER !

bule nnyi, bule men gtar, pndai blkon, pndai MC, pndai tlis lgu, PERFECT glaa ! ^___^

jd, aq srankan sma sapa2 yg blum knal IU ;
try to know her, and listen to her songs &watch her drma : DREAM HIGH ! ^^
(promote jo..) :D

kay, that's all about my angel eonni---- IU
* REAL daebak IU ! saranghanda IU !

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The wink kings of Korea meet: Nichkhun and Lee Yong Dae

I've posted an article abt this.. Check it out on my blog..
too cute!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

2PM chalchinaesseo??

" 2PM is nvr going down without a fight!"
After leader, Jaebeom left the group, 2PM seems to loose thier 'mojo'..And to make things worst, a lot of their fans is not paying that much attntn to this group anymore. And so.. life goes on.. The remaining members ( Junsu, Junho, Nichkhun, Chansung, Teacyeon and Wooyuong ) had to go on and continue what they've started. Their new album Dont Stop Cant Stop says it all.... It is their first recording without Jay....

However, with a fresh start and enthusiasm, 2PM's presence is said to be not-so-exciting. I feel as tho DSCS is not taken seriously. Some expect them to fade away compeletely after a while since their fans didnt support them as much... A lot of them states to be unsatisfied with the management & Jay leavg the group.

2PM's not-so-great moments has given its price to Junsu, Junho, Nichkhun, Chansung, Teacyeon and Wooyoung. Personally, I pity them.. A lot! They suffer for what is not their fault.
It is not their fault that jay ants to leave the group.
It is not their fault that the management fail to handle this things properly.
What can they do? But most of all... What can WE do?
Me and my mates will not stop supporting them! i cannot bare to see this talented and irreplaceable idol beast to fall when it is not their fault.

But guys.. some words from me..
" if u want a place in the sun,
you have got to put up with some blisters "
u can do it! We know u can!

I'd like to wrap things up with one of my fav verse..
" you wanna see me fall right? ( haters! )
like a candle on a windy night,
yeah right! just watch me do this,
take a breath, hold tight,
I'm nvr going down without a fight!"